Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda of Adolf Hitler, said: "Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth".
But that is not true, a lie is still a lie, even if it is believed by many people.
After more than 40 years of Catalanist indoctrination in the Balearic education system, the Catalan repopulation of the islands has been taken as true and unquestionable. This supposed repopulation is nothing more than a farce, which does not withstand a minimum of serious study. Both documentarily and observing the reality of the Balearic Islands, we see that this repopulation never existed..
If you want to go deeper into the subject you can go to "repopulation", of this same work, but now we are going to observe one more of the numerous realities that demolish this ridiculous fantasy of the Catalan repopulation.
To sum it up, the Catalanist fantasy says that the Balearic Islands were emptied of their people and repopulated with Catalan peasants from the Empordà coast, who brought us their language, the speak salty, and their culture.
And now I present another of the realities that disprove the Catalan repopulation of the Balearic Islands..
The regional costumes of the Balearic Islands present a clear differentiation. While in Majorca and Menorca they are similar, in Ibiza the costumes are very different, both for men and women.
In Ibiza their regional male costumes are similar to the catalans.
However, the feminine dress is a very different thing.
The Catalan conquest of Ibiza was another massacre , where probably the majority of men were killed and those who remained were enslaved. As we are told in this article (translation) in "Diario de Ibiza", "the depopulation was such that repopulation campaigns had to be carried out with people from Tarragona" .
However, remember that in Ibiza salty speech is used, as in the other Balearic Islands, something that obviously is not shared with Tarragona. And the architecture of Ibiza has absolutely nothing to do with Tarragona or the rest of the islands.
In salty speak, the articles “el”, “la” are replaced by “es”, “sa”. el llibre, la porta (es llibre, sa porta). The book, the door.
Probably people came from Tarragona, mostly men, who mixed with the Ibizan women. Women who kept their Ibizan romance language and culture, and passed it on to their children.
In the same way as currently, the children of women from Ibiza or the rest of the Balearic Islands, married to men from anywhere in the Iberian Peninsula or abroad, who have been educated by their mothers and grandmothers, have absorbed the maternal culture as their own, while the culture of their fathers, in most cases, has been seen as something alien to them.
But returning to the Balearic dress, this sculpture is the lady offerer, found in Albacete, Spain, and is of Iberian origin. The relationship of the Iberian people with the Phoenicians dates back to centuries before Christ. Phoenician settlements have been found in Ibiza dating back more than 3,000 years.
Look at the necklaces in the two images. The shape of the upper and lower necklace, look at the rhomboid shape of the pendants of the lower necklace in the two images. Look at the apron and its folds, the rings of her fingers... Judge for yourself.
As a reflection: Taking into account the above, it is possible that the dance of the Ibicencan woman is more than 3,000 years old.
In Majorca and Menorca this suit is totally different. This costume is not only that of regional dances. It was the peasant costume , which was still used more than 100 years ago.
Why would an island repopulated by Catalans, or with a majority Catalan population, use this clothing so different from the Catalan peasant?
The answer is very simple, the Catalan repopulation is a farce that has been imposed in our educational system by fire and sword, as a dogma of faith.
Nobody explains to us where so many Catalans came from to repopulate the Balearic Islands, if it is documented, that in those same dates they had no Christian population nor to repopulate areas of Catalonia recently conquered from the Moors. Simply, ABSURD!
How could they repopulate the Balearic Islands, when they had no Christian population to repopulate Catalonia itself?
Settlers came from what would later become Catalonia and from other places.. It was a trickle of people over a period of more than 100 years. Settlers who were simply reabsorbed by the native population.
As you can see, the Catalan peasant costume and the Mallorcan one are nothing alike. However, the similarity of the Ottoman peasant costume with the Mallorcan one is more than evident. Judge for yourself.
Here you have two links where you can see the typical costumes of Majorca and Catalonia 100 years ago. y SD_100AnysVestits, so you can compare if you want
This clothing is shared in other parts of the Mediterranean. Remember that the Balearic Islands were part of the Byzantine Empire from the 6th century until the arrival of the Moors in the 10th century. Centuries after the fall of the Byzantine Empire, the Ottoman Empire arose in this same territory. The clothing of the Ottoman population was probably similar to the Byzantine. A male dress that could have been adopted by the population of the Balearic Islands in times of the Byzantine Empire.
Evidently for the catalanism this are only coincidences. According to them the peasant dress is a fashion that was imposed in Majorca and Menorca only two centuries ago.
The only true truth is that the glorious Catalan people conquered and repopulated all the Balearic Islands, all of Valencia and a small part of Murcia. It does not matter if, as it is documented, at that time they did not have a Christian population to repopulate Catalonia itself.
This is the only true truth, and the one that our young people learn in our politicized educational system, AND THAT IS HOW WE ARE DOING! Today in the schools of Majorca our kids are told that they are, Catalans of Majorca!.
However, a change of cycle is in sight. There are young people who are fed up with this ridiculous Catalanist victimhood. As I said at the beginning of this video, a lie is a lie, even if you repeat it a thousand times. You can't deceive so many people for so long.
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![]() Golden age |