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Apocrypha Majorca


The Mozarabs of Majorca, the repopulation of Majorca or the salty speak are unknowns that have not yet been clarified. In this work we will shed light on these and other topics, which more than one will surprise.

pueblos en la Mallorca musulmana

In the 10th century, Muslims conquered the Balearic Islands and will remain there for 300 years.
There is a Mozarabic footprint in Valencia with 500 years of Muslim domination and in Granada with almost 800 years, however in the Balearics they seem never to have existed. However, we will see that there were.
During the Muslim domination, in different parts of the Iberian Peninsula, there are texts in Romance language written in Arabic alphabet ( kharja ), however in the Balearic Islands they have not been found. Or perhaps they have not sought , our University does not seem to have much interest in the Muslim period, perhaps because they could discover uncomfortable truths?

The Balearic Islands had its own Romance language before the arrival of the Muslims, which was the one they used to communicate with the King James I and the people who came with him, and here we will prove it.

In 1114 an army formed by troops from Pisa (Italy) and the County of Barcelona conquer Majorca, razing and sacking Palma (Madina Mayurka).

Caballeros cristianos en la Mallorca musulmana

In 1229 James I conquers Majorca, returning to devastate and sack the city of Palma.
During these events many documents and information that could have clarified the reality of the society of the Muslim Majorca were lost.

Apocryphal means: false, supposed or feigned.

I invite you to read these pages and then judge what is the apocryphal history of the Balearic Islands.

History does not go through leaps, as Catalanism wants us to believe. The Moors arrived and populated all the islands, the Catalans arrived and emptied the islands to populate them with good Catalans. This version of absurd and infantile history, is the one that we have had to listen to for so many years. Reality is more complex and much more interesting.

Catalanism has become something like a religion . A simplistic doctrine, so that the people can swallow it without problems, and those who do not believe, or are the despicable enemy (the Spanish fascists), or are straying sheep who have not yet understood the message (rednecks, ignorant), the that you have to attract the flock.
They have their own miracles, if Christianity has the miracle of loaves and fishes, Catalanism has the miracle of the Catalan repopulation . Nobody explains where many Catalans came from, but to doubt it is pure blasphemy.

The truth is that after the Christian conquest and become an independent kingdom in 1276. These islands, supposedly populated by Catalan peasants.

catalan de Mallorca

- Give European and world culture a unique character as Ramon Llull.

puerto medieval

- They are one of the first Mediterranean peoples to trade with England and Flanders.

llegada a canarias

- They send several expeditions of exploration and conquest to the Canary Islands, where years later they will found the first Bishopric.

atlas mallorquin

- They create one of the most important cartographic schools of that time.


- They are the first Europeans to reach the waters of the Senegal River, more than 100 years before than Portugal.


- And possibly, They were the first Europeans to circumnavigate Africa, together with the Genoese.

While Catalonia, the alleged motherland of the Balearic Islands, during this period, both culturally and scientifically, does not represent absolutely ANYTHING on the world stage, only militarily and within the Crown of Aragon may have some notoriety.

The Kingdom of Majorca could have become something like the Republic of Genoa or the Republic of Venice.


But this short period of light, ended when the legitimate king of Majorca, James III, is deposed and killed by the troops of his brother-in-law, the King of Aragon, Peter IV.
The Kingdom of Majorca becomes practically booty of war, is forced to contribute to the numerous wars of the Crown, its coffers are emptied and its fleet almost disappeared. By royal decree Balearics becomes part of Catalonia, this humiliation will last several decades.
From here begins a time of darkness and misery , which will be the seed of future peasant revolts. But this is something that catalanism does not want us to know.

Catalans from Majorca".

Now in the schools of the Balearic Islands students are taught to ignore their own history and to despise all that is proper to the Balearic Islands, such as their own language, and everything that can differentiate them from the Catalans, anything that could endanger the construction of Great Catalonia , what they call Catalan countries . They are educating the future citizens of Greater Catalonia, a territory that will have the language of Catalonia, the history of Catalonia and that will defend the interests of Catalonia.
So in the schools of Majorca, instead of teaching the kids to be proud of being Majorcan or Balearic, reasons have plenty for it, they are said to be, "Catalans form Majorca". (translation)

In reference to the Catalanness of the Balearic Islands, many of us are the inhabitants of these islands that we realize that there are things that do not fit.

Caballeros cristianos en la Mallorca musulmana

According to the official version, the Catalanist, on December 31, 1229, King James I commanding a Catalan army entered Palma (Medina Mayurca), killing thousands of Muslim Majorcans.
The Muslims who survived, fled or were captured and sold as slaves. The indigenous Muslim population had practically disappeared. And the islands were repopulated by Catalans.

However, in this last paragraph there are things that do not fit. It is as if they were trying to put a piece in a puzzle that does not fit well, to blows.

If Majorca was repopulated with Catalans and practically no Muslims remained, and the native Christians were nonexistent.

pueblos en la Mallorca musulmana

Why are the names of the towns and cities almost entirely Muslim or before them?

pueblos en la Mallorca musulmana

Why is the original codex of the "Book of Distribution" written in Arabic?

Why is the Majorcan and Menorcan regional costume so different from Catalan?

Why are the peasant houses from Ibiza completely different from the Catalan houses?

Why in the Balearic gastronomy there are dishes that do not exist in the Catalan?

Why in the language spoken by the Balearic people there are words and forms of expression that do not exist in Catalan?

The most important characteristic of the speech of the Balearic people is the salty article. In this, "la, el" is replaced by "sa, es" ("la puerta, el coche" - "sa porta, es cotxo"). The Catalanist version justifies this, saying that the Catalans who came to the Balearic Islands were originally from the Empordà, in the coast of Girona, where there is still some population nucleus that speaks in this way.

To think that the repopulators of all the islands, came in their immense majority of Catalonia, and besides a concrete zone of this, seems very improbable, and if in addition we keep in mind that at that time Catalonia was still being repopulated, and that in this area of feudal Catalonia there still existed the evil customs, with which the feudal lord prevented or hindered his servants from leaving their lands, this simply is absurd .

Muslim invasion and flight

There is another more plausible theory , which we will explain later.
Year 902, the Muslims invade Ibiza and Majorca. From Majorca and Menorca the population that could, fled mainly to the County of Empúries, taking with them their "salty speak".

Some may think that this is unimportant details. However, in the same way as to solve a crime, it is all these details that seem unimportant, those that provide the clues that help to solve the case. From these pages we will investigate those small details, those contradictions that will help us, but to know the whole truth, we approach as closely as possible to this one.

I hope this work is interesting for you.

I want to dedicate this work to Álvaro Santamaría , the best professor of history that the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) has had.
At a time when Catalanism was beginning to obscure the entire Balearic educational system, Professor Santamaría knew how to keep on the sidelines and give an objective view of one of the most surprising periods in the history of the Balearic Islands.
Now, with the entire politicized and catalanized educational system, there is a lack of independent educators who dare to disagree with the unique thought. On the contrary, we have characters in our UIB who seem to profess a great love for Catalonia and Catalan, and a great disdain for Majorca and the Balearic Islands. As Professor Santamaría said in an interview:

"I think that societies that forget, demean, instrument or manipulate their historical legacy, disregard their linguistic peculiarities and subject them to processes of" normalization ", erode the identity of their speech by assuming strange dictions. that deep-rooted identities (and the Balearic is), even if they are subjected to institutional practices of "normalization, are kept alive, even in precarious and marginalized experiences, and, in the course of time, after the normalizing institutional whirlwind, resurge with verve ."

I hope that this work will be a point of light in the darkness and ignorance in which the Catalanist indoctrination has engulfed the Balearic society.

You can not lie to so many people for so long.
